Customer Spotlight

This is a new feature of City Classics website where we will be featuring one of our Customers' work with regard to one of our kits.

David Evans

Attached are some photos of the completed warehouse. 3 story main building and, as you recommended, a 2 story addition. I don't yet have my layout done, so these photos will have to suffice. I put the main entrance in the 1 story addition, as shown. This addition was built out of sheet styrene. I used the center third of one of the windows you supplied; I think it turned out pretty good. Roofs are a light grey weathered look. The ventilators on the 2 story addition are those supplied with the windows, painted metallic. On the 3 story roof I have three large ventilators, left in their original metallic color.

On the 2 story addition, I did not cut out the garage-type door, as I wanted to use the plastic strip foundation throughout. I note you had that strip inside, but to run track in there would have led to the same problem -- bumping over the foundation.

The 2 story annex roof was carefully cut out of sheet styrene. The inside corner came out great and the roof also fits tightly against the brick on the main building.

Spraying matte on the inside of the windows worked great.

I will probably detail the building further with signs, lights over entrances, etc -- but that will be done when I figure out where the building will go on the layout.

I appreciate the extra parts you sent; they came in very handy. Definitely a fun project. About my sixth building after being out of the hobby for 40 years.

David Evans

David Evans

David Evans

David Evans

David Evans


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