The Baum Blvd Art Deco Building

The Baum Blvd. Art Deco Building
Kit 105 Baum Blvd Art Deco Building
5 1/4" L x 3 1/2" W x 9" H

Add some style to your layout! Our Baum Boulevard Art Deco Building follows a style of architecture that was new and popular during the 1920s and 1930s. Our kit captures the feel of early Art Deco style which tended to emphasize a strong vertical look. This seldom modeled style of architecture will really stand out on your layout. A new printed interior is also included on the package.

Our 105 Baum Blvd. Kit features a unique modular front that makes kitbashing easier than ever! The "separate column" design allows you to combine multiple fronts to obtain larger buildings with a minimum of effort and cutting!

Sorry, but we are not able to sell just building fronts separately.


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