Photo Gallery
Many of these were built by modelers who sent us photos of their finished models. Others are photos we have taken ourselves over the years at train shows and conventions. We have attempted to credit the builders where possible. Please contact us if you know of an instance where someone has not been given proper credit for their work.
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This neat little station was kitbashed by Stan Rosskamp of Denver, NC using our 108 Crafton Avenue Gas Station Kit. Stan cut the station down to one bay to fill a spot on the layout of the Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum located north of Pittsburgh, Pa. Stan is their master layout builder even though he no longer lives in the area, He builds his models at home to fit the alloted spaces and transports them to the museum once or twice a year.
John Wissinger of Gregory, MI built this great looking factory using our 103 Smallman Street Warehouse kit as a starting point. After a lot of kitbashing and scratchbuilding, John wound up with this one of a kind model on his fabulous layout. John's layout will be open for the NMRA regional convention in Livonia, MI. Convention Details
This large block of stores was made by combining four of our 106 East Ohio Street kits, which is easy to do using the modular front design incorporated in our kit. This impressive building was found on the layout of the McKeesport Model Railroad Club which is outside of Pittsburgh, PA.
This neatly finished model of our 101 Grant St. Iron-Front was built by Brian Jones of the UK. At first, we wondered why there was so much foliage on the roof of the building, but it turns out that Brian modeled it with the rooftop garden shown below! The large tree foliage was made from moss from a nearby meadow. You can't tell from the photos, but he tells us that the interior features staircases with banisters between floors and a flickering fireplace! The front and back walls are removable for access to the interior.

Emily Stepek of Rockville, MD assembled our N scale service station. The excellent painting and detailing of the structure and accessories make a great scene!

The super realistic photo was modeled and photographed by Fred Lagno of Queenstown, MD. Fred used two of our Railroad St. Company Houses and modified them slightly. As you can see, it's Fred's amazing attention to details that make this scene so realistic. Check out the chain link fence, the mailboxes, electric meter and all of the lines are the utility poles! You can almost picture yourself sitting on the front porch on a quite autumn day watching the train pass through your neighborhood!

Here is another shot by Fred Lagno. As you can see, Fred modeled a closed gas station using our Crafton Ave. Service Station. If you look closely, you can see the weeds sprouting up around the building, the garage windows that are soaped over and peeling paint on the sign.

This very neat model of a large Woolworth's was built by Mark Gugliotta of North Carolina using three of our Grant St Iron-Front kits. In addition to our kits, Mark built the modern storefront from Evergreen Styrene shapes. Mark tells us that he credits his wife, Amelia, for coming up with the cool storefront colors that capture the look of the 1950s. The large Woolworth letters were cut from a photograph Mark found of an actual Woolworth's store. The window signs were mounted between two thin sheets of clear plastic to hold them in place before gluing them inside the window openings.

As you can see, our Roberts Road Mobile Home also makes a great sales office for a used car lot. The only thing missing is a salesman in a cheap suit trying to make a deal with an unsuspecting customer!

City Classics kits made the cover of TV Guide in June of 2008! We were as surprised as anyone to look at this issue of TV Guide in the supermarket checkout line and see our kits on the cover! Many of the large buildings in the photo were kitbashed from our kits. Wish we knew more about that impressive looking city!