Roma's Internet Business Services

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News n' Stuff

We're always doing something new around here. This page is an attempt to shed a little light on some of the current happenings.

We've just completed adding some new features to our high-end catalog.

1- I have added a "Related Items" feature. When a visitor adds a product to their basket that has a "related" product attached to it, the basket displays "May we also suggest:" along with the product's name. That should get some extra sales.

2- A "Print Version" page. I added a page that is printer friendly. Meaning that there is nothing on the page except the Company Logo and full product description. It's like a data sheet for every product in your catalog.

3- A "Tell A Friend" page. Allows a visitor to email a link to a friend for any product in the catalog. Very cool!

Check them out here.